Thursday, August 15, 2013

Start your day with lemon water

Drinking a glass of lemon water every morning is a simple and effective way to improve your health in many ways.
Experts say that the simple act of sleep can pull water from your body, leaving you dehydrated. A clean glass of lemon water can hydrate, energize and keep you refreshed.
Lemon water keeps you revitalized and ready for a brand new day.


Health benefits of lemon water 

Helps to balance your body pH level. 
Vitamin C present in lemon is a great anti-oxidant and it increases you body system's immunity to diseases. 
The vitamins and nutrients present in lemon, helps the body's enzymes function, it stimulates and purifies your liver. 
 The nutrients in lemons also promote the removal of waste materials and toxins. 
Lemon water aids digestion and relieves symptoms of bloating, belching, heartburn and constipation. 

For maximum benefits, a glass of lukewarm water and organic lemon should be used. Just cut a lemon in half and squeeze both halves into a glass of lukewarm water and drink. You should wait at least half an hour after drinking lemon water before taking breakfast for optimum results.

I wouldn't advice using any kind of sweetener in your lemon water, but if you must, add a teaspoon of pure natural honey.

- You can use a straw to keep the lemon off your teeth, of just rinse off your mouth with some water after taking lemon water.

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