Thursday, February 9, 2017

COCONUT OIL PULLING: What is it and Does it really work?

So today I want to talk about this trend going around for teeth whitening  and overall oral health called Oil Pulling. Don't get me wrong, oil pulling didn't just start now, it has been around for ages, it has just been getting
a lot more publicity in most recent years in the health and beauty community and circles than it did previously.

Oil Pulling can help to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth, whiten teeth, improve gums and bad health. It is done by swishing oil in the mouth for about 15 - 20 minutes and spiting it out. This practice has been used in traditional Ayurvedic Medicine for nearly 3000 years now.

The most recommended oils of oil pulling are Coconut oil ( which is a very potent destroyer of microbes and bacteria) and Sesame oil ( which is the original oil used in traditional oil pulling).

There are lots of products and reviews out there on coconut oil pulling. Based on reviews and researches here are some reasons why you should try out coconut oil pulling:

Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling:

  • Whitens teeth
  • Removes plaque
  • Strengthens teeth
  • Improves bad breath
  • Prevents gingivitis and cavities
  • Better looking skin ( yes, you read that right. Oil pulling removes toxins from the body which affects the skin).
Want to try out coconut oil pulling? Check out Aviva Pure Cocopull. This product has had several very positive verified buyers' reviews.

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